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How to Change a Minor Account to a Major in Canara Bank?

Change a Minor Account to a Major in Canara Bank

How to Change a Minor Account to a Major in Canara Bank? Canara Bank has a new savings account facility for youngsters over the age of 10 to make sure that they have a positive first experience with banking. The minor is using this account under his or her name. The freedom and responsibility to manage money are now provided to minors, and this develops a vital life skill that they will need. Canara Bank wants to make choosing to register a Junior Savings Account as simple as possible by offering features such as a customized debit card that is issued with the savings account.

Read: How To Change Your Address in Canara Bank?

Why a Minor Account is Opened

The minor can open a bank account. The opening of minor accounts is handled by Canara Bank. Children who study a lot can benefit from several services from Canara Bank, including the ability to open an account and obtain a loan for educational purposes.

For a Canara Bank minor account, a kid must be under the age of 18. The parent or guardian designated as the guardian must open the minor account in their name. A minor account is only a standard savings account that anyone can open. Only users under a specific age are permitted to use this account. Canara Bank will advise changing the account to Major once the child reaches the age of 18.

Some educational institutions may need you to open a bank account for a variety of reasons, including the opening of a minor account. Then, for the kids’ security, the kids’ parents or guardians operate the account. Imagine that after becoming a major, you start a business, and you need to provide an account number. 

If you give the same minor account number that you were given when you were a minor and opened a bank account, transferring money to the account will be challenging for the business. So to make things easier, you must send a letter to the bank for the status change procedure to make sure there isn’t a bug that causes issues with subsequent transactions.

Why Change a Minor To a Major in Canara Bank?

Imagine that after becoming a major, you start a business, and you need to provide an account number. If you give the same account number that you were given when you were a minor and opened a bank account, transferring money to the account will be challenging for the business. So to make things easier, you must send a letter to the bank for the status change procedure to make sure there isn’t a bug that causes issues with subsequent transactions.

Inform the Canara Bank that the transfer would be denied if another individual has a minor account and makes the payment after the child reaches the age of 18 without converting it to a major account.

At Canara Bank, there is only one option to transition from a minor to a major account. A letter or direct delivery of the application should be made to the bank.

A bank account must be established when investing in a minor’s name. You must use the minor’s bank account to make your investment in this type of plan, per the Securities and Exchange Board of India’s (SEBI) regulations. You should take into account the following crucial details while changing the status of a minor account:

  • The parent can conduct routine transactions on behalf of the child because their name has been added to the bank account and the investment account. The child’s guardian no longer has any authority over them once they turn 18, though.
  • Neither the parents nor the child may make withdrawals from the account when the minor turns 18. Up to a status modification to the account, it is inactive.
  • Additionally, all systematic investment plans (SIPs), systematic transfer plans (STPs), and systematic withdrawal plans (SWPs) are also halted.
  • Minor accounts lack several banking capabilities. Minor accounts are thus more constrained than regular accounts.
  • There are no deposit amount restrictions on a main account. Additionally, it offers services like Internet banking, a checkbook, and a credit or debit card that are not constrained by security measures.
  • This is why it is necessary to change the status of a minor’s bank account to major at the appropriate time so that the account user can use it without any restrictions on banking transactions.

How to Change a Minor Account to a Major in Canara Bank

It is advisable to let the bank know you or your child has turned 18 if you or they have an account in the name of a minor and want to alter the account holder type.

If you’re unsure how to do it, just follow these steps to How to Change a Minor Account to a Major in Canara Bank.

  1. The minor and the guardian who opened the account must both make a personal trip to the bank.
  2. Minors must provide their PAN information. If the applicant’s PAN was created when they were still minors, they will need to recreate it. This is so that a minor applicant’s PAN does not include their signature and picture.
  3.  Subsequently, their account status will need to be changed from minor to major.
  4. Banks will want certain documentation from minors as confirmation that they have completed the KYC process and are ready to submit it.
  5. You can obtain a status change form from the bank to convert a minor account to a major account after completing the KYC procedures with the bank.
  6. After receiving the form, complete it with the essential information and get your banker to stamp it. Additionally, the banker must attest to their signature on it.
  7. Submit the form to the RTA’s office along with the other required KYC documents and a copy of your PAN card.
  8. The minor must also give a letter requesting the change of their minor account to a major account to the bank manager. The letter should include all pertinent information and ask the bank to modify its position.


For minor account holders, Canara Bank has specific guidelines. Minors who have this type of account are not given all the advantages, but they are nevertheless allowed to withdraw and deposit money within specific limits. 

Canara Bank permits minor account holders to be older than 10. Students and kids can use a variety of amenities provided by the bank. They could therefore do the transactions and use the online banking service.

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